There are so many ways to make money online. And the list of online money making methods continues to grow. One of the newest and fastest growing ways to profit on the Internet, is video marketing.
The more popular video sharing web sites, like YouTube, get millions of visitors an hour. And you can take advantage of this stream of steady free traffic. But exactly how do you go about making money at YouTube?
The first thing you need to do is a get a feel for what video marketing is all about. How do you do this? It's simple. Go to YouTube and look for videos created by marketing people, who are using videos as promotional tools. You'll notice that people are using YouTube to market all kinds of goods and services.
Now take a look at the kinds of videos other video marketers are making. You will probably see a lot of how to and tutorial videos, along with demonstrations of how different products, systems or techniques work. Look at the view counts for these videos. Which ones are the most popular? Read the comments at the end of the videos. Which ones got the most positive feedback from those who visited the page?
Doing this kind of simple research should give you an idea of what video marketing is all about, as well as what goes into making a popular video. In fact, you will find that the most popular videos in certain niches, all have things in common.
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